Tooth discoloration can happen for many reasons. Many people associate the cause with pop, tea, dark staining foods, age, genes, the list goes on.
The tooth has two important layers to note on this topic. There is an outer enamel layer that is transparent. The inner layer has the dentin and contains the coloring. When the enamel of a tooth has eroded or decayed, the dentin becomes more visible giving the tooth more of a yellowed, discolored appearance.
Many are told that it is impossible to heal the tooth enamel without dental intervention, this is not the case. There are many remedies that can help support healing tooth enamel naturally resulting in a whiter & healthier smile.
Dr. Weston A. Price & Dr. Edward Mellanby both did extensive research on oral health. They concluded that tooth structure and decay are both greatly dictated by diet.
Those who consume the standard American diet, have a diet high in phytic acid. This would come in the form of grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Most eat a diet high in sugar, processed carbohydrates, low in animal fats, and highly processed vegetable oils. Dr. Mellanby found a diet completely opposite of this was optimal for the prevention of tooth decay.
The doctors were both able to show in their research that teeth can heal themselves through the process of remineralization. There are specialized cells in the center of the tooth that can regenerate dentin (the colored layer under the enamel). Therefore, the tooth enamel is also able to remineralize.
The GAPS nutritional protocol will address the nutritional needs in respect to diet and oral health. We need a diet full of high quality animal fats, minerals, and nutrient dense foods (quality meats, eggs, vegetables, etc), all of which the protocol will provide. To reduce phytic acid, which is pretty much unavoidable, we soak or ferment nuts and seeds to reduce the amount.
Vitamin D is also an important component of immunity, healing, and overall health. Dr. Weston A. Price and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride both support the use of Fermented Cod Liver Oil. This is both high in Vitamin A & D. The butter blend CLO is even more proficient in this respect when talking about healing tooth enamel and decay.
Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is a method that has been used since ancient times. The process itself pulls toxins from the body and oral cavity into the oil using gentle detox. It cannot only pull bacteria from the mouth and teeth, but it can also pull stains. The process itself is quite simple. First thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before brushing, place 1 tablespoon of unrefined organic coconut oil or cold pressed virgin olive oil in your mouth. Swish it around in your mouth and between your teeth and keep it there for 15-20 minutes (or as long as you can tolerate). Make sure not to swallow as toxins are being pulled into the oil. After 20 minutes, spit out the oil into the trash or paper towel. Rinse and brush thoroughly. This can be repeated a few times per week or up to three times daily. Oil pulling is not recommended for those under 5 years of age. For more information on oil pulling read my post here.
Activated Charcoal
Charcoal is highly absorbent. Therefore, it is able to whiten and remove stains from teeth over time. It is also great for removing toxins and bacteria. Charcoal does have a dark grey/black color when placed onto the teeth, therefore I would only recommend doing this a couple of times per month. When you are done brushing with the charcoal, you will likely want to brush again with your clean homemade toothpaste. If you don't have time to make your own, I love this one as it combines activated charcoal with bentonite clay.
Homemade Toothpaste
Another great method to instill in your mouth care routine is a clean homemade toothpaste. In my own personal experience, it has been far more effective than any other natural toothpaste I have tried and used from the store. It is also very simple to make at home. You can also find clean brands that have made a jar up already for you like this one. To make your own, simply take coconut oil and melt in a saucepan on low heat. Once liquified, add baking soda. Continue to add and stir in baking soda until a paste forms. This may take more baking soda than you expect. This can be stored well in a jar for quite some time. As the oil comes back to room temperature it will solidify and this is fine. Just simple smear it on your toothbrush and brush like normal. For areas with more discoloration, allow the paste and toothbrush to rest on those areas for longer.
Our oral health is a window into the health of the body. Taking care of teeth and gums is quite important in the overall healing process. With poor diets and other factors, the tooth enamel can wear and decay leading to discoloration and many other issues. Teeth are able to heal and remineralize when given the appropriate tools. Following a nutrient dense diet like the GAPS protocol, oil pulling, and proper mouth care are a few of the ways to support oral health and a brighter smile. Have more questions or concerns about your own health journey, oral health, or tooth discoloration? Please reach out!