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The Effects of Candida Overgrowth

Candida is a highly pathogenic yeast found in one's digestive system. Yeast can start off as the size of a golf ball and stretch to the length of your knee. Research has shown that these yeasts can grow "tentacles" that are as long as 4-feet. Their tentacles grasp on to the lining of the gut wall, creating holes, resulting in what we know as "leaky gut". They can exhale 146 different toxic gases. Many do not realize they have an underlying pathogenic yeast overgrowth.

The most common symptoms of yeast overgrowth include (but are not limited to): oral thrush (white coating or patches on the inside of the cheeks and tongue), vaginal yeast infections, brain fog, fatigue, skin issues, digestive issues, mood swings, anxiety, UTIs, the list goes on. Yeast feed off of sugar and carbohydrates. It is to no surprise, with our modern culture and food industry revolving around baked goods, fast food, and eating out, rounds of antibiotics that wipe out the beneficial flora, that many are suffering with different health ailments as a result.

How do we get rid of this yeast overgrowth? The answer is simple. We need to deprive these pathogens of their food source. That means we eliminate carbohydrates and sugars. Yeast are impossible to completely get rid of. It is a part of our body's natural ecosystem. What we want to do is get rid of the pathogenic yeasts that are doing harm.

“It is our gut flora that is the main source of sickness,” says neurologist Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. She discusses how it is the major organ responsible for immunity. McBride says, “If the gut flora is damaged the immunity gets out of balance. It can not react appropriately to the environment any more.”

If one requires antibiotic treatment, it is essential to replace the microbial flora that are being wiped out by the antibiotic. To do this, it is essential to be on a therapeutic dose of a good-quality probiotic. Regular use of fermented foods will help to address this issue.

Pathogenic yeasts are very resistant. Along with clostridia, both have been found to survive withstanding boiling water. These pathogens can remain dormant for years, which makes it that much more difficult to eradicate. That is why, we must balance the beneficial bacteria to keep the yeast in check.

There are many homeopathic remedies available today that can also help to address this issue. Speak with me today and we can discuss how you can battle this pathogen!

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